My bday guests (Pat, Roland, Ramil, Nikz, Nica, Jona, Mercy, Me, Raquel, Mama, Euly) Chris is taking the photo and Gorby is in the kitchen.

Beautiful landscapes along the way...

Rain coats at 3 Swiss francs can be bought from the store outside the caves for occasions such as this when the rain pours.

Mineral formations from different countries are on display at the end of the hour long trek within the caves. This is from India.

Waters running at great speeds create foamy white waves as it crashes on the stones found in the massive Vallorbe caves in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland.

Clear waters...

Greenish water of underground river.

Slew of stalactites and stalagmites.

In the "Cathedral" (I think) inside the Vallorbe caves.

Stalactites (growing down from the ceiling) and stalagmites (growing up from the floor) form from certain chemical processes induced by erosion. Inside the Vallorbe caves, many such structures awe the visitors.

White waters of the Orbe River that flow under the Vallorbe caves. The Orbe River is the largest underground river in Central Europe.

One of three of Christopher's catch.

One for Mama too.

My first fish (catch) in Vallorbe, Switzerland. 14 August 2005.

Start of the three-act fireworks display for the Fetes de Geneve.

Chinese pyrotechnics - expected marvelous fireworks display!

Fetes de Geneve Fireworks 13 August 2005. The view from the Philippine Ambassador's Residence along Gustave-Ador Street near the lake. Every year a country hosts the Fetes. This year's host was China.

Inside the Vatican Museum. The Vatican Museum used to be part of the Papal Apartments where previous popes resided. It houses collections of art works and frescos by Raphael, Michaelangelo, and their contemporaries as well as serves as ample space for works of modern art donated by artists to incumbent popes. Inside the Museum is the famous Sistine Chapel where Michaelangelo's "Creation of Man" covers the entirity of the ceiling of the Chapel.

Roman garbage bins

Roman Sunset

Human Statue. Found along the roads are many human statues that appear to blend with the surroundings. When you drop a coin into their buckets, they move.

Piazza Navona where the "Fountain of the Four Rivers" is found. "In the centre of the piazza is Bernini's most spectacular fountain, la Fontana dei Fiumi (= rivers, "FYOO-mee"), erected in 1651. It features a central rocky structure that supports an obelisk that was an ancient Roman imitation of the Egyptian form. Around this structure are four giant statues by Bernini's pupils following his designs representing the Nile, the Danube, the Ganges, and the Rio della Plata, each representing one of the four quarters of the world. These statues have quite lifelike positions and have such movement to them that they seem to be gesticulating." (text source: http://www.romainteractive.com/pznavona.htm)

Piazza de Populo where the Spanish Steps are found. Tourists and locals alike gather on these steps to catch up on the day's events and to relax.

Bridge of Angels near Castel d'Angelo

Cupola of St. Peter's Basilica

The Pantheon. Final resting place of many a martyr and hero of Rome including Vittorio Emmanuel, patriarch of Italy.

Castelo d'Angelo (Castle of the Angel) near the Tiber River.

Vatican City

"Let there be light"

"Taken" in St. Peter's Basilica. "Beam me up, Scottie!"

Jose Mari "Nonoy" Fedelicio at the Piazza Navona

wanderer in rome

All in the family at St. Peter's Square (Mama, Me, Chris, Auntie Eden, Chris the cousin, Gorby). Photo credit goes to Nonoy Fedelicio, our gracious host in Rome.

"Minutely" Pope Benedict XVI giving his Sunday blessing before going on his summer holiday

Piazza San Pietro (St. Peter's Square) 10 July 2005

Possessed by the spirit of music?

A bit of light please! Christine, in the middle, singing as part of the Andrews Sisters act.

dawit, christine and me after her show on 23 june 2005 at the jean jacque rousseau hall in ch�ne bougerie, geneva.

Ate Gi and I at the June 10 Concert of Randy Santiago and Rachel Alejandro. I had to make like Cinderella at 9 p.m. because I had to go to work. I didn't actually see the concert but I had to make an appearance.

sunset at eaux-vives garden.

my eyes...

butterflies on display at the natural history museum in geneva.